Ampersand Families Website | Contact Us

Child Specific Recruitment Referral Form

Please Note: Our PPAI Contract with DHS requires every youth referred for Child Specific Recruitment:

  • Be under guardianship of the Commissioner or a Tribe and
  • Be registered on the State Adoption Exchange (SAE) prior to referral.
  • If the youth has been separated from their sibling/s, we need a copy of the court order.
Please submit the referral after there has been a Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) and the Youth has been registered on the SAE and if applicable, a court has legally approved the sibling separation.

Basic Information & Demographics
First Name*
Middle Name
Last Name*
Preferred Name
Birthdate* Calendar
Pronouns Youth Uses
Pronouns Other (If other or multiple pronouns, please type in desired pronouns)* *
Sexual Orientation  
Race/Ethnicity (please select all that apply)
Race/Ethnicity Other (If other, please type in race/ethnicity)* *
Language (please select all that apply)
Language Other (If other, please enter the language/s)* *
ICWA & Tribal Affiliation
ICWA Applies?*
ICWA | Tribal Membership*
ICWA | Tribal Membership Other* *
Tribal Affiliation*
Tribal Affiliation Other* *
Referral Information
Please Note: PPAI Contract requires that every youth referred for Child Specific Recruitment be under guardianship of the Commissioner or a Tribe and that the youth be registered on the State Adoption Exchange prior to referral.
Would you also like to make a referral for Relative Search & Engagement Services?*  
Make a selection from the list options.
County of Responsibility*  
Has Youth Previously Received Recruitment Services*
Were Previously Received Recruitment Services Provided by Ampersand Families* *
Has there been a TPR?*
Approximate Date of Most Recent TPR* *Calendar
Has this youth been previously adopted? (finalized)*
Approximate Date of Last Kinship Search: Calendar
Please share name and contact information for anyone (relative/kin/other) you know of who might be a permanency or support resource*
For each permanency resource, please provide their first & last name, relationship to youth, & contact information.
What has been challenging finding an adoptive family for this youth?*
Is Youth currently on probation?*
Additional Referral Information
Our youth workers hold a variety of different identities (racial, gender identity and sexual orientation, lived experience, etc.) to help serve and represent the youth we work with.  Responses to these questions will not affect our accepting a youth referral, they will assist in matching youth with a permanency specialist.    
Please share any additional characteristics about the youth that would be helpful in matching them with a permanency specialist such as youth’s personality, interests, unique needs?*
In the past or present, has youth shared any biases toward any race, gender identity, sexual orientation, etc. that would impact their ability to work with someone in named identity group?*
Please share any concerns you may have regarding any adults in the youth’s life (foster parents, social workers, guardians ad litem, relatives, etc.) regarding work with any above mentioned identities.*
Recruitment Efforts - In the past 12 months has the youth...
Been on Kid Connection/Thursday's Child?*
Been presented at the state wide adoption task force?*
Had other special media coverage or recruitment opportunities?*
Had information on the State Adoption Exchange posted/updated?*
Had photo on the State Adoption Exchange posted/updated?*
Had Heart Gallery photo taken?*
Sibling Group
If referring a sibling group, please provide First & Last Name, Birth Date, & Current City for each child in the sibling group in the Sibling Details field.
Sibling Group*
Has there been a legal sibling separation?* * 
Select Yes if a court has issued a legal sibling separation. Otherwise, select No.
Please Upload Copy of Sibling Separation Court Order if available
Please Note: We'll need a copy of the Sibling Separation Court Order asap if not uploaded now.
Sibling Details* *
Notes regarding siblings (placed together y/n and other things we should know)* *
Information about Current Placement
Current Location Name (e.g., name of foster parent/s or place youth is staying with/at)*
Current Location Type*  
Date Youth Arrived at Current Location* Calendar
Current Location Contact Person*
Current Location Phone Number*
Enter Int'l Number
Current Location Street Address
Bldg./Apt. #
Current Location City*
Current Location State
Enter Region
Current Location Zip Code
Referring County Worker
First & Last Name of Person Making Referral*
Referring Worker Role with Youth*
Street Address
Building/Suite #
Enter Region
Zip Code
Office Phone Number*
Enter Int'l Number
Work Cell Phone Number
Enter Int'l Number
Fax Number
Enter Int'l Number
Guardian Ad Litem
Does the youth have a guardian ad litem?*
GAL Name* *
GAL Street Address:
GAL Bldg./Suite #:
GAL City:
GAL State:
Enter Region
GAL Zip:
GAL Phone:
Enter Int'l Number
GAL Work Cell Phone
Enter Int'l Number
GAL Email:
Does the child have a lawyer?*
Lawyer First & Last Name:* *
Lawyer Address:
Lawyer Bldg./Suite #:
Lawyer City:
Lawyer State:
Enter Region
Lawyer Zip:
Lawyer Work Phone:
Enter Int'l Number
Lawyer Cell Phone:
Enter Int'l Number
Lawyer Email:
Additional Service Providers
Please list other key service providers currently serving this youth (e.g., therapist/psychiatrist, school social worker/case manager, youth group leader, etc... ). For each service/provider, please list their first and last name, organization, relationship to youth, and contact information.
List other county workers or private agency recruiters involved in case (Include Name, Phone, Email, and Role with Youth). If there are no other workers, write none in the box.*
Please Note: For a Child Specific Recruitment Referral, Guardian Ad Litem & Attorney should be entered above. All other referral types, if applicable, please enter GAL/Attorney Contact info here.
Youth's Current Service Providers*
For each service provider, please list their first and last name, organization, relationship to the youth, and contact information.
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